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It's not about the destination, it's about the donut.

Updated: Mar 10, 2019

I believe I entered this world with a fully developed love of donuts. I can remember being a very small child and standing in front of the donut case at the small local grocery store in my hometown, the distinct smell of fried dough filled the air, and the donuts, lined up in their orderly rows on trays by flavor, made my mouth water. My go-to, most favorite donut had to be cream filled with chocolate icing. The icing was a chocolate buttercream; thick and creamy, milk chocolate brown in color. It was applied liberally with a knife, which made distinct ridges in the icing. And the donut was filled to capacity with yummy white fluffy filling.

It was not a treat I enjoyed daily or even weekly, but it happened occasionally and was always a truly magical experience. I would remove my donut from the box and place it on a plate as soon as we got home. Then, like any normal child, I would grab a spoon and methodically eat the heavenly concoction. First, I'd take a bite at the point where the filling was injected so I had better access to the inside. Then, with my spoon, I would scrape out 90% of the filling - here's what I can't remember anymore, whether or not I ate what I scooped out, or just threw it away. I know there was a point in my life when I imagined the fluffy white filling pumping through my bloodstream and clogging my arteries, and from that point on I tried to consume far less of it. I think it was after I refrigerated my favorite donut and discovered when I removed it a few hours later, the insides were the consistency of hardened butter. My mom told me this phenomenon was a result of the high fat content of the filling, and it suddenly became far less appetizing. - Once the insides had been scooped out to my liking, I went to work on the chocolate icing. I would slide my spoon along the top of the donut, gathering spoonful after spoonful of chocolate bliss, but trying to leave the smallest layer of icing on top. I know for a fact none of this chocolate frosting was thrown away, it was always consumed. It was by far the best part. After the donut had been violated in so many ways, its empty shell remained; the residue of chocolate icing on the top, and a small amount of cream filling inside. This is the point when I put the spoon down and ate the donut. To this day, if I eat a cream filled, chocolate iced donut from that grocery store, I have to eat it in this way, and I just accept all the judgement it brings from others who are around to witness it.

And that brings us here, to wanderdonut, where I've decided to combine two of my favorite things: traveling and eating donuts. Some posts will be purely travel related, while others will be reviews of the local donut places I find during my travels. I'm open to suggestions, so if you know of donut place  that can't be missed or a place I should visit, leave it in the comments below.


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